Shed Notices

“Please read the notices before you leave the shed.”

14 Mar 2024

Catering at the National Show

2024-03-14T21:16:58+00:00March 14th, 2024|Shed Notices|Comments Off on Catering at the National Show

I’m pleased to advise that we have secured a catering unit inside the main hall at Saturday 27th April’s National Show at the NAEC, Stoneleigh Park.  This will include tables and chairs, so that you can enjoy light refreshment, a sit down, a chat with your friends and still watch some of the layouts and soak up the atmosphere of the show.  This is in addition to the 200 seater Stroller’s Cafe, where a wider range of refreshments will be available.  Strollers is linked to and a few steps from the main hall, so there’s no need to step outside.

If you’re either a volunteer steward at the show, or an exhibitor, the in-hall catering unit will also be open on Friday afternoon as we set the show up.  The unit is being installed before we set up, so we plan to open from 13:00 on the Friday.

The venue is really working with us to offer flexible catering to meet a range of needs.  They want the show to be a success as much as we do and I’m grateful for their support.

Hope to see you at the show in just over six weeks!

Alan Regan, Show Director


14 Mar 2024

Member to Member Stand Update

2024-03-14T17:25:12+00:00March 14th, 2024|Shed Notices|Comments Off on Member to Member Stand Update

After reviewing our rules/policy for selling on the Member to Member stand, I want to correct a line that was printed in the bulletin.  In the bulletin, it advises that if someone pays for an item with a card, the seller will need to give us their banking details for an electronic transfer.  After reviewing the situation, and discussing the situation, we are amending this to state that you the seller can choose to give us your banking details or have a cheque issued for any sales you receive by card.  You will be asked for your decision at booking-in, however we will not collect any banking details until payout and only if you received any sales via card. 

You can pre-book your items online ( or via post until 22nd April. Alternatively, you can email your completed form to me

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me. 

Rebecca Lockley, M2M coordinator

13 Mar 2024

Bulletin Editor

2024-03-13T18:56:09+00:00March 13th, 2024|Shed Notices|Comments Off on Bulletin Editor

Following my recent appeal for somebody to step forward to cover the role of Bulletin Editor, we received message of interest from not one, but two members. Following discussions, they agreed to share the role between them and so we’re pleased to announce that Harry Jones and Jonathan Mead will be sharing the role of Bulletin Editor. There will be a gradual transition with the current incumbent Andrew Mawer handing over the work to Harry who will liaise with and file the contributions from the area groups and Jonathan who will compose Bulletin.

I’d like to formally welcome them both to the team and thank them for coming forward. I would also like to thank Andrew for standing in and getting us through a difficult period. Many hands make light work and so it is hoped that by sharing the Bulletin Editor role, neither Harry or Jonathan will be overstretched in the future.

Please continue to the use the email address for submissions for Bulletin.

Alan Finch, Chairman

11 Feb 2024

National Garden Railway Show – the countdown begins!

2024-02-11T14:59:26+00:00February 11th, 2024|Shed Notices|Comments Off on National Garden Railway Show – the countdown begins!

If you’re a UK member, your copy of the Show Guide for our National Show at the NAEC, Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire, on Saturday 27th April 2024 either dropped through your door yesterday or should do so tomorrow (we’re still waiting for ours ☹).  Editor Richard Huss has done a great job with the 32-page full-colour guide, revamping it for our first visit to the NAEC since 2012.  The guide contains all we think you’ll need to plan your visit, understand what to expect at the venue, know which exhibitors will be there and get a glimpse of the 17 layouts on show, some visiting for the first time.

As Richard assembled the guide, he was also populating and revamping the National Garden Railway Show web site.  This is now complete and includes, for the first time, the ability to download the show guide, completely free of charge, so that anyone interested in the show has access to what has until now been a benefit to Association members only.

The show web site is and the show guide can downloaded here.

We’re still looking for volunteers to help us steward the show and to staff the Member to Member sales stand.  If you want to know more or think you could help, please contact Chief Steward Stuart Timms at or Member to Member Sale Coordinator Rebecca Lockley at  Or if you’ve got a general enquiry about the show, email me at

See you in less than a couple of months!

Alan Regan – Show Director

8 Feb 2024

February 2024 mailing of SMT and Bulletin

2024-02-08T09:34:15+00:00February 8th, 2024|Shed Notices|Comments Off on February 2024 mailing of SMT and Bulletin

The February mailing of 16mm Today and Bulletin is scheduled for collection by Royal Mail from Warners Midlands in Bourne later this week.  The entire mailing to UK and overseas members will be collected at the same time. Mailing to UK members is First Class.  There are no mail delays at the time of writing.  Information for the UK can be found here.

Mailing to overseas members is by Air Mail. There are no major delays expected to non-UK mailings. Further information regarding mailing to addresses outside the UK can be found here.

SMT and Bulletin will be available on our Members Site from 09:00 on Saturday 10th February.  If you haven’t received an invitation to activate your account on the site, or can’t find it, please email providing your surname, membership number and post code and we’ll send an invitation as soon as we can.

This mailing for UK recipients is heavier than other months as it includes the show guide for our National Show, the Annual Report and Prize Draw Tickets along with SMT and Bulletin.  We are unable to send the first three to overseas members, to keep the package weight under 500 grams.  Customs arrangements arising from the UK’s exit from the EU require additional processes for overseas mailings exceeding 500 grams and due to the infrequency of such mailings, Warners don’t have these in place with Royal Mail.  The Annual Report and Show Guide will be published to our Members Site concurrent with SMT and Bulletin.  If any overseas member requires paper copies of the Show Guide and/or Annual Report, please contact me at and we’ll make arrangements to send them to you.  We’re only able to accept payment for Draw Tickets by cheque or money order in Pounds Sterling drawn on a UK financial institution, but if you’re an overseas member with access to this facility and want to participate in the draw, please contact me for tickets.

Many thanks go to the editors of the magazines- Mick Blowfield for 16mm Today and to Andrew Mawer for their work on Bulletin, with thanks also to Richard Huss for the Show Guide and to Mike Riley for the Annual Report. Thanks to George Sheppard for arranging the Draw Tickets

Thanks as well of course to all the members who contributed to the publications. Your input as always is very welcome and critical to the editors being able to present varied and interesting content.  I hope you enjoy what I’m sure will as always be an enjoyable read.

Tom Rowland, Membership Secretary

28 Jan 2024

2024 Association Membership Subscription Renewals

2024-01-28T13:43:48+00:00January 28th, 2024|Shed Notices|Comments Off on 2024 Association Membership Subscription Renewals

Invitations to renew your subscription for the membership year commencing 1st March 2024 are scheduled to be sent by email on week beginning Monday 29th January.  You will be sent an invitation unless:

  • You have joined the Association since 1st December 2023, have already renewed your subscription or pay your subscription by Direct Debit (i.e. you do not need to manually renew at this time)
  • You have previously advised us that you do not wish to renew your subscription
  • We do not have a valid email address stored against your membership record

If you wish to act on the invitation, please take time to read the instructions provided in it, which are divided into three sections.  The first is for members who have joined online or renewed online in the past, the second is for those who haven’t used the online renewal system in the past and now wish to do so, and the last is for members who wish to renew by phone, mail etc.  If you want to renew by cheque please wait for February Bulletin, due for mailing from Warners on Friday 9th February, which will contain full renewal instructions.  These will be on page three.

Please pay particular attention to the renewal option you select.  If you see a NEW subscription in your shopping basket as opposed to a subscription RENEWAL, you will pay £3 extra to renew for the coming year.  Please go back, empty your basket and start again.  Every year a small number of new subscriptions are taken out which were intended as renewals, resulting in an extra cost to the purchaser, and also creating extra work for the Association and the renewals team at Warners.  Remember also that you can change the type of membership subscription as part of the renewal if what you’ve had in the past no longer meets your needs.  You can also take out a Direct Debit to renew your subscription if you wish.

If you have queries or difficulty, please contact Warners at or by phone number on 01778 392016 (outside the UK call 00 44 1778 392016).  Likewise, if you expect to but don’t receive an invitation, please contact Warners.  We’re unable to send out invitations ourselves.  If after two working days you haven’t received or aren’t satisfied with the response, please contact me at

Tom Rowland, Membership Secretary

18 Jan 2024

Stewarding at the 2024 National Garden Railway Show

2024-01-18T11:12:41+00:00January 18th, 2024|Shed Notices|Comments Off on Stewarding at the 2024 National Garden Railway Show

Preparation for our National Show on Saturday 27th April is well advanced.  The show is full, though we haven’t had to turn anyone away, we have a wide variety of layouts, some new to the show, and the show guide is almost ready for distribution.  So it’s time to look for people to help us run it and make it successful on our return to the NAEC at Stoneleigh for the first time since 2011!

Chief Steward Stuart Timms has already approached people who have stewarded in the past, but inevitably some aren’t now available.  So could any of you give up a couple of hours of your time to help run the biggest garden railway show in the country?  This qualifies you for free entry to the show and a refreshment voucher to use before or after your duty.  We have a range of jobs that need doing and we’ll work with you to find a job that best matches your preferences and capabilities.  The least popular job in the past has been stewarding the car park.  Good news, venue staff do that this year!

Hard work as running the show can be, it can also be a lot of fun and there’s a huge sense of achievement and satisfaction when it’s all done and we hand the venue back to the NAEC early on Saturday evening.  If you’d like to be part of this please email Stuart at or me at

Thanks in advance.

Alan Regan, Show Director


7 Nov 2023

November 2023 mailing of SMT and Bulletin 

2023-11-07T10:34:14+00:00November 7th, 2023|Shed Notices|Comments Off on November 2023 mailing of SMT and Bulletin 

The November mailing of SMT and Bulletin is scheduled for collection by Royal Mail from Warners Midlands in Bourne later this week. The entire mailing to UK and overseas members will be collected at the same time. Mailing to UK members is First Class. There are no significant mail delays at the time of writing. Information for the UK can be found here.

Mailing to overseas members is by Air Mail. There are no major delays expected to non-UK mailings. Further information regarding mailing to addresses outside the UK can be found here.

SMT and Bulletin will be available on our Members Site from 09:00 on Saturday 11th November. If you haven’t received an invitation to activate your account on the site, or can’t find it, please email providing your surname, membership number and post code and we’ll send an invitation as soon as we can.

Many thanks as always go to the editors for both magazines; Mick Blowfield for SMT and Richard Huss for Bulletin. Thanks to them for getting their magazines out on time. Also thanks to all the members who have contributed to them. Your input is both welcome and valuable to the editors in being able to present interesting publications. I hope you enjoy reading what I’m sure will again be high quality magazines.

Tom Rowland, Membership Secretary

8 Aug 2023

August 2023 mailing of SMT and Bulletin

2023-08-08T20:04:42+01:00August 8th, 2023|Shed Notices|Comments Off on August 2023 mailing of SMT and Bulletin

The August mailing of SMT and Bulletin is scheduled for collection by Royal Mail from Warners Midlands in Bourne later this week. The entire mailing to UK and overseas members will be collected at the same time. Mailing to UK members is First Class. There are no significant mail delays at the time of writing. Information for the UK can be found here.

Mailing to overseas members is by Air Mail. There may be small delays to non-UK mailings. Further information regarding mailing to addresses outside the UK can be found here.

SMT and Bulletin will be available on our Members Site from 09:00 on Saturday 12th August. If you haven’t received an invitation to activate your account on the site, or can’t find it, please email providing your surname, membership number and post code and we’ll send an invitation as soon as we can.

Many thanks go to our new editors for both magazines; Mick Blowfield for SMT and Richard Huss (for Bulletin). Thanks to them for getting their magazines out on time, and to all the members who contributed to them. Your input is as welcome as it is critical to the editors being able to present varied and interesting magazines. I hope you enjoy what I’m sure will again be an enjoyable read.

Tom Rowland, Membership Secretary

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