The Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers is a company limited by guarantee.

Name: The Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers
Place of registration: England and Wales
Registered number: 3117166
Registered office: 45 Hollow Wood, Olney, MK46 5LZ

Because we are a company, we have a Board of Directors to organise our affairs rather than a committee. There is a maximum of 10 directors under our Constitution. Directors are normally appointed at the Annual General Meeting, but the Board can appoint someone to fill a vacancy at any time.

All of the directors and association officers are volunteers, who work on both routine administration and any special projects in their spare time.

The present Directors and Association Officers and their contact details are:

Elected Directors

Alan Finch
Alan FinchCompany Chairman
Accountable to the members for ensuring that the board discharge both their specific and general duties in the smooth running of the Association.

Responsible for disposal of deceased members’ assets.

Ian HarperTreasurer
Responsible for financial reporting activities and compilation of the annual accounts.
Andrew MountfieldCompany Secretary; Special Publications
Company Secretary: Maintains company records and compliance activities. Maintains Association insurance records.

Special Publications: Responsible for preparation of the Association’s Special Publications.

Mick Blowfield
Mick BlowfieldMagazine Editor
Responsible for the compilation of our quarterly in house journal “16mm Today”.
Rod Nipper
Rod NipperPublicity
Responsible for the external facing publicity from the organisation into the public domain.
Tom RowlandMembership Secretary
Responsible for the processing of membership renewals and new joiners plus the maintenance of Association membership records.
Chris Trotman
Chris TrotmanTechnical Director
Responsible for ensuring that members are aware of the requirements of the Association’s insurance arrangements and for ensuring that local reps have access to calibration facilities.

Non-elected Officers

Tag GortonHeritage Officer
Responsible for collating the photographic history of the Association and 16mm NG modelling.
Richard HussIT Officer
Responsible for ensuring that the Association deploys the most appropriate IT solutions in carrying out its duties and maintaining our data integrity, and for maintaining and updating the Association’s website.
Harry JonesBulletin Editor (jointly with Jonathan Mead)
Responsible for the internal relationship between the board and the local groups. Also responsible for the compilation of our quarterly newsletter “Bulletin”.
Rebecca LockleyShow: Member To Member sales co-ordinator
Responsible for the member to member sales activity at the annual show.
Jonathan MeadBulletin Editor (jointly with Harry Jones)
Responsible for the internal relationship between the board and the local groups. Also responsible for the compilation of our quarterly newsletter “Bulletin”.
Alan ReganData Protection Officer; Acting Show Director & Layouts Co-ordinator
Data Protection Officer: Responsible for the Association’s compliance with prevailing data protection legislation.

Show Director: Responsible for organisation of the annual National Garden Railway Show.

Layouts Co-ordinator: Organiser of layouts for the annual show.

Carol ReganShow: Trader Co-ordinator
Responsible for trader attendance at the annual show.
George SheppardWeb Content Editor
Responsible for preparation of content for the Association’s websites.
Gary SmithShow: Hall Layout Planner
Responsible for planning the hall layout at the annual show.
Stuart TimmsShow: Stewarding co-ordinator
Responsible for organising stewarding cover for the annual show.
Rick TurnockShow: Model of the Year Organiser
Responsible for delivering the Model of the Year Competition at the annual show.