Shed Notices

“Please read the notices before you leave the shed.”

13 May 2015

May mailing

2016-10-12T13:53:44+01:00May 13th, 2015|Shed Notices|Comments Off on May mailing

May’s issues of SMT and Bulletin are complete and with our printers. We expect mailing to occur W/C 25th May. As usual, UK recipients will be sent by first class mail and all overseas members by air mail. We know from experience that delivery times vary enormously country by country, but if you have concerns contact the membership secretary at Please also note that your personal copy of the Public Liability Insurance Certificate to end May 2016 which is provided as part of your membership subscription will be on the back of the address carrier sheet used to mail the May package, so please retain this for future use.

Andrew Charman is finalising the Festiniog Guide and many pages have already been provided to the printer for preparation and proofing. Publication is expected in June but remains predicate on Andrew’s busy professional life.

6 May 2015

David Shotter

2016-05-28T16:50:47+01:00May 6th, 2015|Shed Notices|Comments Off on David Shotter

Terry Collins writes:

People who knew David Shotter, who was a member (No. 41) for many years, will I am sure be saddened to learn that he has passed away on Monday 4th May, after a long illness, at the age of eighty six years.

David was a good friend of mine for getting on for thirty years. He was also a great friend of Peter and Don Jones and of John Bonfield and Alan Craney. David was also active in the larger scales up to 2ft gauge, and a very active member of the Fareham & District Model Engineers Society including working on their 32 & 45mm line.

David made a big contribution to the hobby as a truly remarkable engineer, producing among many other things a correctly scaled Decauville locomotive which even had working brake blocks. But what he will best be known for were the huge number of people (myself included) who sent him locomotives for repair, and who received them back working in “as new” condition. He was very reluctant to charge anything for all his excellent work, and spent so much time repairing other people’s locomotives that he once told me that he never had the time to build a line for himself – although he always intended to.

He was always a real gentleman. Despite all his achievements, despite all of that knowledge and expertise and despite of all the help he had given, he remained a gentle and unassuming man, always polite, always ready to have a quiet chuckle with everyone he talked to. Everybody from the most experienced to the newcomer felt at ease with David and liked him from the first.

Terry’s full tribute to David Shotter will appear in the August 2015 “16mm Today”.

25 Mar 2015

National Garden Railway Show

2016-05-28T16:50:10+01:00March 25th, 2015|Shed Notices|Comments Off on National Garden Railway Show

A quick reminder for members who have items to sell in the Member-to-Member Sales area at the show: please send in your booking form as soon as possible, and by 3rd April at the latest.

You can download the form (including the rules and instructions, and details of where to send your form) on the Member-to-Member Sales page on the show web site: pre-registration of items cuts down your waiting time for booking in items on the day of the show.

Also, we have made a minor change to the show plan, with two traders having swapping places compared to what is shown in the published show guide:

  • Greystar Publications are now at stand Y6.
  • Mamod Limited are now at stand R27.
23 Mar 2015

Membership renewal

2016-10-12T13:53:44+01:00March 23rd, 2015|Shed Notices|Comments Off on Membership renewal

This is directed at the minority of members who have no so far renewed their membership of the Association for the year to end February 2016: please can you do so ASAP.

If you’ve lost your renewal paperwork please contact me at If you still have an invitation to renew on-line then you can still use this, otherwise please send a cheque to me or the Renewal Secretary on your renewal paperwork.

I will be processing renewals in person at our coming show but I will be on my own as Carol has other duties, so there is likely to be a queue. I also have other duties from 13:00 onward so renewals in person will close and not reopen after this time. I’m not looking to other resource to do this because it seems to me that members will by the time of the show have had six weeks in which to make their renewal, which is surely sufficient time. The fact that 80% of the membership have already renewed would tend to support this.

If you’d prefer to enjoy the show rather than wait for me to process your renewal on the day then please, send it in now.

Thanks in advance.

Alan Regan,

27 Feb 2015

February mailing

2016-05-28T16:48:30+01:00February 27th, 2015|Shed Notices|Comments Off on February mailing

I’m pleased to advise that mailing of February’s publications, namely SMT, Bulletin, the Annual Report, the National Garden Railway Show Guide, Prize Draw raffle tickets and the 2015 DVD, starts today when Royal Mail collects 3,961 individual packages from our mailing house in Shrewsbury. UK addresses will start receiving the package from tomorrow onward; overseas deliveries will take somewhat longer and the delivery timeframe varies considerably by country. Congratulations to Gareth Jones on getting his first SMT out on time but thanks also to everyone else on the Board, who have one way or another contributed to this huge mailing. Thanks also to Kevin Steele, who has compiled the DVD, unfortunately for the last time as he has decided after many years service to step down from this role.

The reverse side of the address carrier sheet used to mail the package contains renewal information. If you’ve already renewed on-line (nearly 2,000 of you have), then it simply confirms that your membership is current to 28th February 2016 and that you don’t need to do anything else. If you need to renew then please follow the instructions on the reverse of the sheet. If you have already received an on-line renewal invitation then you can still use it but please don’t ask to be added at this stage as to do so is a manual process which I’d sooner avoid when I’m knee deep in envelopes and cheques. Tell me later in the year and I’ll alter your preference for 2016. Please also note that Diane Sutton and Edward Hodson are again helping with renewals so if your paperwork asks you to send your payment to them, please do as requested.

Page 55 of Bulletin provides details of advance entry ticket purchase. Thanks to Geoff and Christine Lumsdon for managing this. You can also buy advance entry tickets on-line if you wish – they’re the same price and over 50 people have already ordered over 100 tickets this way. It’s simple, secure and quick – why don’t you give it a try? Here’s the link:

Finally, I’m sure many of you will wonder when the Festiniog Guide will be published. I expect this to be in the next six weeks but when a firm date is available I’ll make another post to Shed Notices.

Alan Regan,

17 Feb 2015

Festiniog Guide, and February mailing

2016-10-12T13:53:46+01:00February 17th, 2015|Shed Notices|Comments Off on Festiniog Guide, and February mailing

A brief update on the Festiniog Guide: unfortunately Andrew Charman’s paid work (railway and motoring journalism) is having to take priority, alongside supporting the handover of SMT Editorship to Gareth Jones, and we regret that it will be late March at the earliest before the guide appears.

Meanwhile, the final elements of our February mailing (comprising SMT, Bulletin, Show Guide, Annual Report & Accounts, along with this year’s members’ DVD, and tickets for the Prize Draw at the show) should go to press today; a further update on progress with printing and mailing will follow soon.

3 Feb 2015

2015 electronic membership renewal status

2016-05-28T16:46:35+01:00February 3rd, 2015|Shed Notices|Comments Off on 2015 electronic membership renewal status

Over 1,200 members have renewed their subscription in the last four days, which represents 51% of those invited to renew. This is 200 more renewals or 5% more of those invited than at the same time last year. I’ve not been made aware of any failed renewal links (there had been a number by this time last year) and I’m sure that this and members’ familiarity with the process is leading to more rapid renewals.

My apologies to the many members who written back to me confirming their renewal or making positive comments on the process. I’ve had over 90 of these and whilst I greatly appreciate positive feedback, unfortunately I don’t have the bandwidth to respond to you all. Fewer than 20 renewal invitations (that’s less than 1%) have been returned with email address unknown, so if you haven’t yet received yours yet, please email and I’ll try to help. Keep those renewals flowing!

Alan Regan,

30 Jan 2015

Membership renewal

2016-10-12T13:53:46+01:00January 30th, 2015|Shed Notices|Comments Off on Membership renewal

I’ve initiated the annual electronic renewal process using a credit or debit card via PayPal today. Invitations are being sent out in batches so if you haven’t received yours yet, please wait until the end of today as there are more than 2,400 to send out.

A major improvement this year is provision of a shortened, personalised link to take you to PayPal. This is via a newly implemented secure area of the Association’s web site and will avoid the problems experienced by some members in previous years where the link became truncated or garbled. It’s been implemented without the need for any additional mouse clicks on your part. Thanks to Richard Huss for sorting this out.

If you have any problems please email me and I’ll do my best to help but equally please recognise that with so many renewals in process my response might take a short while.

Alan Regan,

26 Jan 2015

Call for Stewards

2016-05-28T16:45:11+01:00January 26th, 2015|Shed Notices|Comments Off on Call for Stewards

I am sure that those who attend the annual National Garden Railway Show are impressed by the organisation which goes into making the day a success. So if you would like to make your contribution to make this year’s show even better by volunteering to be one of the team of Stewards, then please contact me.

We need Stewards to help with the setting up on Friday 10th April, as well as with the running on Saturday 11th April. and, for the most dedicated, helping with the clearing of the Arena after the show.

So ..if you would like to be part of the show this year, please let me know, even if you have volunteered in previous years. I can let you have details of the particular Stewarding duties available.


Paul Kidger,

10 Jan 2015

Changes of role

2016-10-12T13:53:46+01:00January 10th, 2015|Shed Notices|Comments Off on Changes of role

As handover of SMT editorship from Andrew Charman to Suzanne Bradley progressed, it became clear that the role would need a greater familiarity with the software used to lay the magazine out than had initially been recognised.

Gareth Jones (Webmaster), as a regular user of the software concerned, already has these skills. The decision has therefore been taken, fully acceptable to all involved, that Gareth take over as SMT editor and that Suzanne retain her role as Bulletin Editor. Gareth is now preparing February SMT and Suzanne is likewise preparing February Bulletin.

Richard Huss will provide support to Gareth as required with web work and the need for further support in this area will be reviewed at the board meeting at the end of this month. Richard’s key projects associated with the show, on-line sales of advance entry ticket and design of the new Show web site are complete and content population is in progress, so this change does not compromise these activities.

A further announcement on mailing timelines for the February issues will be made in due course.

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