“A Symphony in Lasered Ply”: Brian Dominic’s Darjeeling Diesel NDM-6, shown after the last details (the window frames) had been added, but before it went into the paint shop. Photo: Brian Dominic.

There is still quite a lot of work to do: once out of the paint shop, there are at least the following jobs to do:

  • Wire and fit lighting (the headlamps are already assembled and painted)
  • Fit battery / electronics / sound system
  • Fit and wire motors so they both go in the same direction
  • Build equipment boxes to go in the cab – the larger one will be modified to accept the on-off switch and charging socket
  • Fit windows
  • Paint and fit cab roof
  • Fit couplings
  • (To paraphrase another kit manufacturer…) Place on track, switch on and enjoy!

Read more about the project on Brian’s website.